Selling Options for Beef Cattle
Paddock Sales (Property to Property Movement)
Stock are inspected on the vendor’s property by the buyer and are sold straight out of the paddock. Price is generally negotiated on a dollars per head ($/hd) or cents per kg liveweight (c/kg) basis. If the sale is by weight the animals have to be weighed on property.
Our Trading Terms: Important Buyers Responsibilities
Payment of the livestock you purchase:
You must comply with the Trading Terms stipulated by the selling agent. Full payment of all livestock purchased by the buyer must be paid in full and confirmed with a financial institution receipt of payment, before any stock are loaded for delivery. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the livestock and the sale will not proceed.
Purchasing or Selling Livestock Online
When cattle, sheep and goats, and pigs are bought online through sites such as Auctions Plus, Elite Livestock and Gumtree etc, it is crucial that the movement of livestock onto the buyer’s property is recorded in the NLIS database (or the PigPass database for pigs).
Responsibility for transferring livestock on the NLIS database.
Sale Type: Private treaty with another person e.g. Online
Sale Location: On single property Vendor to Buyer
Buyers Responsibility: transfer recorded on the NLIS database within 2 days of arrival at the buyers property.
- The movement from the seller’s property to the buyer’s property is called a property to property (P2P) movement, i.e. livestock are moved from one property, to another property with a different PIC.
- The new owner of the stock or the person receiving the livestock at the new property is responsible for recording the movement in the NLIS database.
- If livestock are bought through a public auction, such as an on-property stud bull sale which is also interfaced with an online
selling site, the normal saleyard rules apply. - This means that the auctioneer or agent running the sale records, in the NLIS database, the movement of all livestock sold to their destination after the sale.
- The vendor is responsible for maintaining the sale lot in the condition stated within the terms of sale until the buyer picks them up. It immediately becomes the buyers responsibility once the livestock are loaded on the transport. Once loaded all risk transfers to the buyer, without exception.
- It is the buyers responsibility to arrange and pay for the transport of all livestock purchased.
- It is not your transport operators responsibility to contact the agent to arrange a time for pickup. As the buyer, you must be in contact with both parties to ensure the arrangements are made and that the agent/vendor know when to yard the stock for delivery.
NLIS Movement Documents
- When livestock move from one property to another they must have a correctly completed NLIS movement document with them.
- A copy of the movement document must be kept by the owner/vendor and the new owner/buyer for 7 years.
More Information
NSW Department of Primary Industries:
Local Lands Services: 1300 795 299 or
NLIS Database Helpdesk: 1800 654 743 or
Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) at: 1800 683 111 or LPA Service Centre
Farm Biosecurity website at:
Pig pass helpdesk at: 1800 001 456 or

Cattle Sales Listings
WANTED - Quality straight/cross bred mixed sex weaners, flat back 180-320 kg. Suitable for “grass fed“ program and must have lifetime traceability.
Telephone: David Carter 0438 453 172
David Carter Property & Livestock, Scone NSW 2337